idea journal

idea journal is the publication of IDEA: the interior design and interior architecture educators' association. It publishes peer reviewed spatial design and interior design/interior architecture research. 

IDEA decided they wanted to include more visual essay content and to allow for interactive elements. They settled on the epub format so it could still be disseminated by publisher AADR as a periodical. Epub supports video, animation and sound as part of the file.

I designed a template for native iPad ebook export, and also allow for a downgraded pdf experience with external links for interactive content. The style emulates the authority of a print publication but is very much screen-first in terms of layout, font choice etcetera. Images are subtly interactive in ePub, expanding on click to make use of a larger occupation of the grid.

The covers are animated – vol 01 as part of a video contained in the issue, and vol 02 as a custom animation I made from a still image. 

I have produced vol 17 editions 01 and 02 and vol 18 A particular highlight was setting Elly Clarke's essay Is my body out of date, picking up and running with the 'screen capture' aesthetic of their #Sergina videos. Getting the vibing cat gif into a proper journal is a career highlight! 

Cover image: video still from MAXXI by Linda Matthews. In ePub, this is animated

Cover image: “Giacometti Strata, Bioscleave” (2015) by Robert Bowen, with custom animation for ePub

Selected pages from idea jounrnal vol .17 no .01

Selected pages from idea journal vol .17 no .02



Work > Poemas Mōteatea Poems


Work > This Pākehā Life
